Contact Persons

Our employees are looking forward to your contact request and will be happy to answer any questions.



DGS Switzerland
Alexander Ziehr
Managing Director
+41 71 313 89 86 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@rheiz.a
DGS Czech Republic
Josef Vokoun
Managing Director
+420 482 429 728 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@nuokov.j
DGS China
Tobias Song
Managing Director
+86 20 8498 2448 ext. 801 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@gnos.t


DGS Group
DGS Switzerland
DGS Czech Republic


DGS Switzerland
Stephan Krieg
Head of Quality
+41 71 313 89 25 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@geirk.s
DGS Czech Republic
Jiří Plichta
Head of Quality
+420 482 429 765 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@athcilp.j
DGS China

Human Resources

DGS Switzerland
Ricardo Elsener
Head of Human Resources
+41 71 313 89 39 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@renesle.r
DGS Czech Republic
DGS China
Lucy Li
 Human Resources Manager
+86 20 8498 2448 ext. 101 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@il.l

Corporate Development / IT

DGS Group
Olivier Bloch
Head of Corporate Development
+41 71 313 89 71 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@hcolb.o

Supply Chain Management

DGS Switzerland
Marco Zimmermann
Head of Supply Chain
+41 71 313 88 93 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@nnamremmiz.m

Sales / Marketing

DGS Switzerland
DGS Czech Republic
DGS China


DGS Switzerland
Martin Rauhaus
Head of Technology
+41 71 313 89 68 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@suahuar.m
DGS Czech Republic
Jan Štverák 
Head of Technology
+420 482 429 705 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@karevts.j
DGS China
Rosan Lin
Head of Technology
+86 20 8498 2448 ext. 701 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@nil.r


DGS Switzerland
Helmut Streifinger
Head of Purchasing DGS Group
+41 71 556 87 44 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@regnifierts.h
DGS Czech Republic
Milan Šťastný
Head of Purchasing
+420 482 429 743
DGS China


DGS Switzerland
Holger Becker
Head of Production
+41 71 313 89 36 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@rekceb.h
DGS Czech Republic
Tomáš Kysela
Head of Production Liberec
+420 770 318 416 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@alesyk.t
DGS Czech Republic
Lubos Pfohl
Head of Production Frýdlant
+420 48 242 197 0"> +420 48 242 197 0 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@lhofp.l
DGS China
Hunter Huang
Head of Production
+86 20 8498 2448 ext. 312 moc.ssugkcurd-sgd@gnauh.z
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