How to produce light metal components and systems precise, efficient and just-in-time?


Every Hollywood director started small – under the motto "Connecting learning experiences," yesterday the 2nd upper secondary class of the Blumenau Primary School (St. Gallen) visited us, professionally guided and in cooperation with the Institute for Digital and Informatics Education (IDIB-PHSG) and the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences.
The upper secondary students filmed our learners from various vocational fields, from commercial professions to our polymer mechanics, IT specialists, mold makers, foundry technicians, and logistics experts, and learned the craft from filming to interview techniques and film editing ▶️ Next Generation.

Start into the professional future
A warm welcome to DGS Druckguss Systeme AG
We wish our new apprentices a good start and a nice and instructive time with us.
Manuel Manaj, Apprentice Production Mechanic EFZ
Michael Weber, Apprentice Logistician EFZ
Timo Tauber, Apprentice Computer Scientist EFZ
Blerim Rakipi, Apprentice businessman, EFZ
Benjamin Szablinski, Apprentice Casting Technologist EFZ
Bourahla, Apprentice Polymechanic
EFZ (2nd year of apprenticeship,
1st year of apprenticeship at Bühler AG)
Shaini, Apprentice Production
Mechanic EFZ (
2nd year of apprenticeship, 1st year of apprenticeship at
(Our two polymechanics EFZ start their apprenticeship at Bühler AG) therefore not in the picture.
Lindor Badealli, Apprentice Polymechanic EFZ
Jasir Fazilja, Apprentice Polymechanic EFZ

Passed final apprenticeship examinations DGS St. Gallen
Kryeziu Korab, Production Mechanic EFZ and Stojanovic Anica, Commercial clerk EFZ
momentum into the future
Our skilled workers of tomorrow are ready! We are proud of the young generation and are pleased that they will remain with our company.
Welcome to the team!